斑马技术(Zebra Technologies)打造的追踪技术和解决方案能够生成大量行之有效的信息和洞察,通过为物理资产赋予数字化智能,为企业提供前所未有的业务可见性。
斑马技术(Zebra Technologies) 广泛的解决方案系列可为您提供针对产品、物理资产和人员的实时可见性,让您不仅获得资产所在位置还有资产所处状态的宝贵运营数据。这将有助于企业领导者制定更出色、更明智的决策,实时做出响应,帮助企业理解如何工作,如何更好地工作。
Zebra Technologies Corporation(纳斯达克股票代码为:ZBRA)可提供最全面的富于创新的技术解决方案,以帮助客户高效识别、跟踪和管理重要资产的部署,进而显著提高业务效率。Zebra 的核心技术包括可靠的按需打印机和先进的软件及硬件解决方案。通过提高采购效率、可监控性、安全性和准确性,Zebra 能够帮助客户实现“资产、位置和时间三正确”的目标。Zebra 为 90% 以上的全球《财富》500 强企业提供服务。截至 2008 年 12 月 31 日,预计 Zebra 打印机的全球销量已超过 750 万部。
Zebra的专业打印事业部 (Specialty Printing Group, SPG) 设计、制造和销售能够实现实时按需打印各类信息的专用打印设备。这些设备被全球各类制造商、服务机构和政府部门广泛使用,用于自动识别、数据采集和个人身份验证,能够帮助其提高效率、提供更出色的客户服务、实现更有效的安全保护。Zebra的产品涵盖热敏和热转印标签及收据打印机、被动式无线射频识别 (RFID) 打印机/编码器以及热升华证卡打印机。Zebra还销售种类齐全的专用耗材,其中包括自粘标签、碳带、热敏打印头、证卡耗材、电池和其他附件,例如,标签设计与打印机网络管理软件。
在购并Navis Holdings, LLC、WhereNet Corp.、proveo AG 和 Multispectral Solutions Inc. 的基础上,于 2008 年成立的 Zebra 企业解决方案事业部(Enterprise Solutions Group, ZES) 可提供旨在优化复杂物流运营环境中货物流的资产跟踪与管理解决方案。无论是对通过主要港口的集装箱和货物进行跟踪、为精益制造管理部件还是在大型机场管理地面支持设备,借助 ZES 的自动资产跟踪与管理解决方案,都能实现业务流程的改进。利用由上述并购企业提供的各类产品,ZES 能够为航空、国防、民航、汽车、工业制造、海运、交通与物流等行业提供更强大的资产监控功能,助其提高业务效率。通过在其整个物流运营环境中提高效率、降低运营成本、增强安全性和可靠性,这些行业中的客户能够受益匪浅。
Zebra总部位于伊利诺依州Vernon Hills,其前身是成立于1969年的一家高速机电产品制造商Data Specialties Inc。这家公司于1982年将其业务重点转移到按需标签和票据系统上,并于1986年更名为斑马技术公司(Zebra Technologies Corp.)。Zebra于1991年公开上市,其股票在纳斯达克股票交易市场上交易,交易代码为ZBRA。目前,Zebra的年度销售额超过6.5亿美元,所有产品都由公司设于伊利诺依州Vernon Hills和加利福尼亚州Camarillo的工厂生产。Zebra还通过设在威斯康星州、罗得岛州、加利福尼亚州以及英格兰普雷斯顿的工厂生产和销售原装Zebra耗材。为强调对于质量和可靠性的承诺,Zebra的所有设计和生产部门都通过了ISO 9000国际质量管理标准认证。
Zebra的国际分销网络覆盖90多个国家。斑马技术(欧洲)公司(Zebra Technologies Europe Ltd)总部设在英国,负责为欧洲和中东广大地区提供产品和专业标签产品的销售和支持,包括管理设在法国、德国、意大利、丹麦、瑞典、西班牙、南非以及阿拉伯联合酋长国的销售和支持办事处。设在美国佛罗里州迈阿密的斑马技术拉丁美洲公司(Zebra Technologies Latin America, LLC)总体负责公司在拉丁美洲的业务运营。此外,Zebra在墨西哥、巴西和阿根廷还设有产品销售和支持办事处。设在新加坡的斑马技术亚太公司(Zebra Technologies Asia Pacific, LLC)负责公司在本地区的活动,包括管理设在中国、日本、韩国和澳大利亚的销售和支持机构。
Zebra被主要行业分析师以及全国、本地和贸易商业杂志评比为美国发展最迅速的企业之一。Zebra每次都进入Deloitte and Touche著名的"Fast 50"排名名单,这是一个对美国和加拿大地区发展最迅速技术企业的地区性排名。同时,Zebra还一直名列《福布斯》杂志"200家最佳美国小型企业"排名。Zebra还经常名列《商业周刊》的"100家快速发展企业"年度排名,以及Hoover的"美国发展最快的250家企业"名单。最近,Zebra被《Supply Chain System》杂志命名为"供应链创新企业"(Supply Chain Innovato),同时还被《Consumer Goods Technology》杂志的读者评比为RFID客户支持第一名。
Zebra Technologies is a public company based in Lincolnshire, Illinois, USA, that manufactures and sells marking, tracking and computer printing technologies. Its products include thermal barcode label and receipt printers, RFID smart label printers/encoders/fixed & handheld readers/antennas, and card and kiosk printers that are used for barcode labeling, personal identification and specialty printing principally in the manufacturing supply chain, retail, healthcare and government sectors. In 2013, the company had sales of $1.038 billion and had a market capitalization of $3.6 billion.
The company has offices in 26 countries, channel partners in more than 100 countries and more than 7,000 employees worldwide. Zebra-brand printers are used by more than 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies.
Zebra Technologies office in Heerenveen, The Netherlands.
Zebra was incorporated in 1969 as "Data Specialties Incorporated", a manufacturer of high-speed electromechanical products. The company changed its focus to specialty on-demand labeling and ticketing systems in 1982 and// became "Zebra Technologies Corporation" in 1986. Zebra became a publicly traded company in 1991. Since 2008, Zebra has outsourced the majority of its printer manufacturing to Jabil Circuit in Guangzhou, China.
In 1998 Zebra Technologies merged with Eltron International, Inc. In 2000 Comtec Information Systems was acquired, followed in 2003 by the acquisition of Atlantek, Inc.
In 2004 the company expanded into RFID smart label manufacturing, acquiring Retail Systems International, Inc. (RSI) the next year. In the following years Swecoin, WhereNet Corp, Proveo AG, and Navis Holdings, LLC (later divested in 2011) were acquired.
The company established the Enterprise Solutions Group (ESG) in 2008; renamed as Zebra Enterprise Solutions (ZES) in 2009. In the same year Multispectral Solutions, Inc. was acquired. In 2012 the company acquired LaserBand, LLC and StepOne Systems in a cash purchase price of $1.5 million.
2013 saw the acquisition of Hart Systems for $94 million in cash from the private equity firm Topspin Partners LBO. In 2014, Motorola Solutions' Enterprise business was bought in a $3.45 billion transaction, providing mobile computing and advanced data capture communications technologies and services.
Zebra Technologies has more than 80 offices worldwide, with regional headquarters in Lincolnshire, Illinois, and Miramar, Florida, in the United States; Bourne End, Buckinghamshire in the United Kingdom; and Singapore.
In April 2014 the company employed more than 2,500 people worldwide. Upon the closing of the Motorola Solutions' Enterprise business acquisition, Zebra’s workforce was expected to grow by 4,500 employees and its patent portfolio predicted to exceed 4,100 U.S. and international patents.
In its annual report for the year ended December 2015, the company said it provided products and services in over 170 countries, with approximately 120 facilities and 7,000 employees worldwide.
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